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Consulegis Spring Conference 2018 in Dublin


View of Dublin with the Ha'penny Bridge - Ireland

This year the spring conference of Consulegis took place in Dublin Consulegis Spring Conferenceduring 26th to 29th of April and has been organized by Lavelle Solicitors, a local law firm and member of the association since more than 20 years.

Together with Lavelle Solicitors, the new managing director of Consulegis, Mrs. Caroline Chetrit, was responsable for the organization of a programme full of contents and events.

Dr. Frühbeck Abogados SLP as senior member of the association has been present at the event, represented by the managing director of the offices of Dr. Frühbeck Abogados SLP in Barcelona and Canary Islands, Mrs. Elena Bello Cárdenes, member of the Association Council, elected in April 2017 for a period of four years.

After attending thursday afternoon interesting conversations through an interactive panel where directly related topics to Ireland have been treated, as the latest european Data Protection Regulation and the Brexit, on Friday we had the opportunity to hear Mr. Michael Shanan, CEO of IDA Ireland (Industrial Development Agency), responsable entity for support and development of foreign investment in Ireland, who has prepared an interesting speech about Irland´s economy and the existing opportunities of business.

The business development meeting on Saturday was characterised by the intervention of David Gilroy, from Conscious Solutions, one of UK´s leading providers of design, websites, PPC, SEO, social media & Marketing for law firms, including Law League clients satisfaction & benchmarking service, who has delighted us with a wonderful presentation and some helpful and directly applicable hints for law offices.

Dr. Frühbeck Abogados will meet their international lawyer colleagues again in Prag, from 18th to 20th of October 2018, when the event will be organized by the Consulegis´ law office Becker & Poliakoff opened in Prag.

For more information and inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact our law offices in Madrid, Barcelona, Marbella, Gran Canaria or Mallorca.

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