Asunción (Paraguay) was the city chosen to organize the autumn conference of CONSULEGIS between October 16th – 19th, 2019, hosted by the firm Mersán Abogados, member of the association for over 20 years. On Thursday, the so-called “International Business Meeting” took place in which the topic of legal protection of international investments was discussed in depth through different formats. There was also a round table discussion concerning the problem of judicial disputes and their alternatives in different jurisdictions. On Friday, Mrs. Liz Cramer, Minister of Industry and Commerce of Paraguay, was in charge of transmitting to the assistants the business opportunities that the country offers, opportunity that was endorsed by Mr. Sebastian Lahaie (CEO of the group Abbeyflied and Vice-President of the bank Sudameris) who of first hand and through his magnificent presentation, confirmed the existence of the above-mentioned opportunities. Of special importance for the attendees was the presentation by Mr. Detlef A. Huber of the CARPENTUM business model dedicated to the financing of legal proceedings in Latin America.
CONSULEGIS continues in full expansion in the North and Latin American market and in the same conference was able to welcome two new partners: Mr. Ruben Flores (The Flores Group) from Texas and Mr. Raul Valdés-Fauli from the state of Florida (USA).
The conference had its most emotional moment when CONSULEGIS members went on Friday morning to the facilities of the “Solidarity Foundation”, founded by the parents of Mr. Óscar Mersán (partner of the firm Mersán Abogados) more than 50 years ago, dedicated to the treatment of children with disabilities, where they could be direct witnesses to the gratitude and joy of minors for the donation made by CONSULEGIS.
For more information and inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact our law offices in Madrid, Barcelona, Marbella, Gran Canaria or Mallorca.